Severn Trent Funding 2024
Press Release: CC Hub CIC celebrates after receiving £12k from the Severn Trent Community Fund to help local provide crucial support to individuals within our communities grappling with the escalating cost-of-living crisis. Local community group, Crossroads Community...
Press Release January 2024
Funding from the Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund delivered by the National Lottery Community Fund, has helped us to increase the opening hours and appoint 2 new members of staff for Crossroads Community Hub. This means we can help connect, support and help...
Jackie and Adam start work!
We have two new members of staff! Meet Adam and Jackie. We are so pleased to develop our staff team as we support of team of 40 volunteers in delivering support to more and more people. We look forward to Adam and Jackie helping develop the work of the Crossroads...
CCHub Extended Opening Hours November 2023
We are pleased to announce that our Warm Welcome Space, the Meeting Place Cafe, will be open on extra occassions during the week. The new times when we will be open are: Monday from 1pm to 3pm Thursday from 10am to 12pm (12noon) Thursday from 1pm to 3pm Friday from...
We are Hiring to Start in November 2023
Due to some extra funding secured recently including a grant from the Cheshire Community Foundation we are looking to recruit for 2 part time posts that could be rolled up together for an initial 6 month contract. Session Support Worker This person would work with our...
Lord Mayor’s Visit
Recently, the Crossroads Community Hub received a visit from the Lord Mayor of Chester, Cllr Sheila Little. She popped into the Meeting Place Community Cafe on a Friday morning. Sheila has been a key supporter of the Hub right from its beginning when she advised on...
August Opening Dates
We will be CLOSED on: Thursday 3rd August 2023 Tuesday 22nd August to Tuesday 29th August 2023 Other than those dates, we will be open for our cafe and food collection as normal (Thursday 1pm to 3pm and Friday 10am to 12noon).
Asda Grant
The wonderful people from the Asda Foundation popped into the Meeting Place cafe this morning to present us with a cheque for £10,000. We'll use the money to make improvements to the Crossroads Community Hub building and look to help even more people! A warm welcome...